In this season of Scorpio, I have noticed that my dread of winter darkness has softened since I have been learning more about tarot. In the past, my mood grew low as the days shortened more and more. I used to cry inside as the trees lost their leaves. Temperatures begin to plummet along with daylight hours reminding me of the many long cold days of winter ahead.
When I found tarot, I was instantly fascinated by the lessons in the cards. The deep lessons of life that I had genuinely never been exposed to in all my decades of life. In all my decades of bible study I did when I was indoctrinated as a child, never exposed me to such wisdom. The Death card in particular has taught me that endings are not necessarily dreadful. Thanks to my new perspectives, I feel myself actually embracing the ending of the cycle of the seasons.
Like all the cards in the tarot, Death has a light side as well as a dark one. While I do not deny that the card does indicate a loss and all the sadness that a loss will entail, I no longer ignore the fact that endings bring new beginnings. I can now see that I can truly look forward to the rebirth. I feel excited to get to start with brand new leaves in spring. And as for these shorter days, I am savoring the daylight more than ever. I find ways to shift my activities to be outside earlier. And as for the longer nights, I am discovering the comfort of being indoors longer. I can still work and play inside and I can focus on different things.
I am so glad that I found tarot to help teach me the most advantageous lessons in life. A way to understand myself better and a way to see the opportunity for growth in all situations.
It’s so cool that you’re experiencing such valuable lessons especially to help you during such hard times. Winters can be very bitter but they are a part of this beautiful cycle of life